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Don't Miss Out on Small Business Saturday!

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Denise Stern

SurePayroll supports small businesses and that’s why we’re excited about this year’s Small Business Saturday, set to land on November 30th.

An outdoor sign that says think big, shop small.

Founded by American Express in 2010, this unique day is the perfect opportunity for small businesses to shine. We’ve put together a few tips to help you take advantage of this opportunity to boost sales and revenue.

Don’t ignore social media

Rose Leadem, writing for Entrepreneur, reminds small business owners to be ready for this special day in her always timely article “21 Simple Ideas for a Successful Small Business Saturday”. Among them: prioritize your customer service, promote, and be web-ready. She cautions small business owners not to be tempted to slash prices in order to compete with larger brands or companies. Remember, Small Business Saturday is a time when local consumers support small businesses. Don’t ignore social media to boost your visibility. Use hashtags like #SmallBusinessSaturday. Even more important, ensure that your website is mobile-friendly so even though a customer may not be able to shop in person, they can still support your business online.

Growing numbers of consumers support Small Business Saturday

Writing for CNBC, Kate Rogers emphasizes that Small Business Saturday has become increasingly important for small business owners. In her article “Small Business Saturday isn’t a novelty anymore – independent retailers depend on it”, she reports that consumers spent nearly $13 billion on this special day in 2017 supporting local small business owners. Sure, it lands before Christmas and a lot of shoppers are hitting their gift lists, but you don’t have to have holiday-themed products or services to take advantage of. According to her stats, roughly 83% of consumers planned to spend money with independently owned small businesses.

Donate a portion of sales to local charities

An evergreen article written by Anita Campbell, founder of Small Business Trends and writing for the Small Business Association (“15 Awesome Ways to Take Advantage of Small Business Saturday”) still holds true today. Promote your business before the event with more than sales and discounts. Announce that a portion of your sales will go to local charities. This is a great way to encourage local businesses, as is cross-promotion with other businesses in your area.

Offer incentives to boost business traffic

According to Mike Kappel, founder of Patriot Software and writing for Entrepreneur, small businesses account for just over 50% of sales in the U.S. Why? Because small businesses often offer unique services and products. In his article “The Big Benefits of Small Business Saturday”, he suggests taking advantage of incentives and special events to increase business traffic. Not only that but by offering superlative customer service, small business owners often outshine bigger companies due to their small size and localized services and options.

SurePayroll wishes you and your business the benefits of Small Business Saturday. Small Business Saturday founder American Express offers easy and fast access to design customized marketing materials for your Small Business Saturday event! Check it out!

Visit us next Friday for more helpful tips and strategies that aid in your business success.

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